Thursday, April 26, 2001

perhaps I should have clarified: Jealousy VS sentimentality was a problem yesterday. Meaning, what's the difference in my head? When I think I'm being sentimental am I really just jealous about something related? I dunno. Sometimes I think I really don't know anything. ;)
Got together with Ryan today to work out some details in the piece I'm playing on his recital...and it was a little strange. He was almost very professional in manner, and it freaked me out (professional in the sense that he can be so, which you probably wouldn't understand unless you knew's sort of a quirky messed up sort of organization) because I realized how far away from each other we've gotten. Even in levels of comfort. That pains me. Of all the people I can be myself around, he makes me the most comfortable. That's quite a task. Dammit. I know I know...this should be something I'm past already (according to a lot of people, but how often do I accept the majority?) but moving ahead is just a pain in the ass.

Jennii's blog from yesterday is really good and sums up all my feelings about beach bonfires. A bonfire is, in my ever so humble opinion, the best friend gathering you can have. (except for that one where Dave hit me in the mouth with a frisbee and the drunken baseball league dads tried to set us on fire) There is nothing that makes me happier.
Go see: