Friday, May 07, 2004

can you hear the gnashing of my teeth?

Another two things theme, but this time they are not happy.

1. Women and girls have been deemed too stupid to use the morning after pill over the counter.
The Food and Drug Administration told the pill's maker, Barr Pharmaceuticals, that before the drug could be sold without a prescription the company must either find a way to prevent young teenagers from getting it from store shelves or prove, in a new study, that young girls can understand how to use it without the help of a doctor.

Is it just me or is there an inherent contradiction between those two demands? "We don't want teenagers to use it, but if they can prove they're smart enough, then I guess they don't deserve to be pregnant."

[Via Feministing]

2. Well, women are pretty stupid, but that doesn't stop them from being evil and manipulative. Sorry, we're responsible for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners. Oh, and feminists too.

Linda, Linda, Linda:
But one factor that may have contributed -- but which I doubt investigators will want to even consider -- is whether the presence of women in the unit actually encouraged more misbehavior, especially of the sexual nature that the pictures reveal

I missed the part where all men became gentle, caring, prudent, asexual wimps. I really did.

George Neumayr:
The image of that female guard, smoking away as she joins gleefully in the disgraceful melee like one of the guys, is a cultural outgrowth of a feminist culture which encourages female barbarians. GI Janes are kicking around patriarchal Muslims in Iraq? This is [Feminist Majority Foundation president] Eleanor Smeal's vision come to life. Had Thelma and Louise gone off to Iraq -- and sexually humiliated some of Saddam Hussein's soldiers as payback for abuse to Jessica Lynch a few cities back -- the radical feminists could make a sequel.

This sounds a lot like the attitude I ran into in the Is Chivalry Dead?" thread over at the OTJ. (as one poster told me: "Radical feminists, affirmative action zealots, and other such "activists" do not want "equal treatment" they want "superior treatment"" No. I just want shit like this to stop fucking happening.)

And in case feminists and women didn't do enough:
It is Muslims' fault. They took trillions of dollars in oil money, and instead of building a culture dedicated to elevating their people, including women, they have squandered it on agendas and adventures that had the opposite result.

Put your thang down, flip it and reverse it, my oh my doesn't that sound like America.

[Via Feministe]