Wednesday, December 17, 2003

today is a great day for contraception

Exciting news for women (and men)! Today a panel of the FDA approved over-the-counter sales of the morning after pill.

It's not final yet, but it's likely that the FDA will push it through to completion.

Good news, good news. The article I posted wasn't the same as what I read in the paper this morning, but it still raises some of the same issues. I continually find myself offended by the dialogue offered up by opponents of contraception, things along the lines of "would encourage irresponsible behavior" or "women would be confused as to how to use it."

1. Are we not already encouraging irresponsible behavior by funding abstinence-only sexual education in a culture that is highly sexualized?

2. Oh wait, you're right. Women are stupid. Time to start making babies!!!

Seriously though, maybe there are some women out there who would "abuse" (can it be abused? Are there side effects?) the pill. However, you have to ask, are they in a situation where they are highly sexually active but don't have health care and therefore have no access to regular birth control? Can't afford female condoms or a diaphragm? The condom broke? But if we're so afraid of morning-after pill abuse, why can't we make other forms of birth control more readily available? Why are we so concerned about someone else's reckless behavior? Is it more irresponsible to buy the contraception or to risk getting pregnant when one isn't ready?

Another argument against this form of birth control is that it can, in some cases, dislodge a fertilized egg from the womb. If you believe in life at conception, then this causes a problem. I struggle with this-of course all life is important, but who has the right to make the decision to keep or abort a fetus? The woman. She has to carry the baby for nine months, give birth through a normally pin-sized opening in her body, and deal with hormones, postpartum emotions, and the decision whether to raise the child (putting in countless hours and money) or find a family for adoption. Because our society doesn't place much pressure on men to be responsible for the babies they too help create, oftentimes it is only the woman making this decision. So life at conception for me doesn't take into account the rights of an already existing and thinking being.

I'm super happy that we've taken this step to encourage responsible birth control. I can only hope that we continue...provided opponents realize that you can't stop people from being sexual and what they do with their bodies is their own damn business.