Wednesday, December 21, 2005

hello, san diego

Hello hills and vegetation, hello clean streets and civic pride, hello unique restaurants and sitting outside in the sun. Hello, San Diego. I've missed you.

Things to do in my short vacation:
-Eat Mexican food (sworn off the stuff in Texas. It's disgusting)
-Breathe fresh ocean air
-Read a book on the porch swing in the sun sun sun
-Assemble those people I love to be goofy, silly, and giggly with and act like a kid again at the Wild Animal Park. Late night, cold handed ride on the monorail. Dirty jokes and absolute insanity abounding.
-Martinis and flirting with David Patrone
-A hike to my waterfall, alone? Camera in hand, I'll share it with you this time. I haven't been willing-it's my San Diego place- but maybe- if you're nice- we'll see.