Monday, June 07, 2004

just a warning

Lately I'm feeling apathetic about the things I usually love doing- blogging, reading, checking my email- so I might take a little break. If you don't see much of me here don't panic, likely I'll get over it in a few days and come back with some exciting tidbit.

But it's the time to be outside, and to be active. Next Monday I'm going kayaking with Heidi from HCW and soon enough Nick and I are going hiking. Katie and I will be headed to the Martini Ranch on Wednesday night and Shaun's having a graduation party on Saturday.

Don't be fooled by my name dropping- Katie'll be back in Indiana soon enough and Nick's on vacation until after I move. Natalie should be done with school soon, and Dan at that. Never mind me though, I'm just mentally rounding people up to help me celebrate my birthday.

Only 7 more weeks til the big move. Can't fuckin' wait.