Wednesday, July 11, 2001

ah davis..there is so much sadness in the world, and we all own our fair chunk of it. sometimes if you want someone to listen you have to ask them to. (i think you told me that) i think everyone is a little down right now..midsummer blues or something. i got a birthday package from my mummy today, and it made me cry for lots of reasons. Most of all because I miss my parents sometimes more than I care to admit, and also because it's my birthday soon. I love birthdays, and especially my own. It's the luckiest birthday of the year!! (7/21) and it mathemathically works into itself: 7x3 ((2+1)) =21. I think I lead a bit of a charmed whenever I feel down I look at what makes me happy (my bday) and say, things will always get better. The other thing about my birthday: it's the one day of the year that's reserved entirely for myself. As a recovering shy person I think I still have issues (both timid-related and for unselfish reasons) being the center of attention. But on July 21st people are supposed to pay attention to me! it's the law. It's wonderful. Birthdays are awesome. I wish I could spend it with everyone: family, friends from home, college friends....but nevertheless it'll be fun. Only 10 more days! I go crazy about birthdays...but I definitely think it's worth it. :)