Saturday, October 06, 2001

mikey, you're the greatest. i love you bunches. :)

very very very bad football game today. I'm sure if Babar is reading this, she's extremely happy that our cocky football team got ass-whooped by indiana...haha. it's sort of ironic. anyway, the football game sucked, but heidi, her friend megan and i stayed for the fifth quarter and then we followed the band back, skipping and dancing the whole way. it was fun. my dad is in town...we went to dinner with his friend dean, and it was interesting...well, he's my dad, what can i say. we've never exactly gotten along the greatest...yeah, either we're too alike or too different, whatever it is, we're never on the same page and we end up irritating the crap out of each other. I wish my family was closer together. A lot of people ask me how I can come so far away for school...don't I miss my family? well...i do. but it's weird. it's more like being disconnected. but it's just the three of us and my dad and i always fight, my mom and i try our best not to let that get in the way...i'm not sure how they are together. it seems like they irritate each other a lot, as well. my dad doesn't really take me seriously...which is quite frustrating when you're trying to develop some sort of greater relationship with him and all he does is shoot you down. i wish i had siblings. i wish my extended family were bigger and closer, too...i rely on my friends so much for these reasons, and sometimes i think that's why things get so easily also makes the loneliness that much more acute. please don't worry about me though. i've learned how to handle it. :)

happy ending note: F. I think F is a happy note. I like F. Here's to F!!!