Thursday, November 27, 2003

a blog about nothing in particular

I have ploughed through my recently acquired issue of Bitch, successfully made zucchini and tomato curry, practiced the third movement of the Stevens Sonata (and rocked it, subsequently), eaten cheesecake, and talked to Megan on the phone. Happy Thanksgiving.

I am wondering if I have a particular stance to explore on Thanksgiving. Margaret Cho is not so keen on the genocide and racism associated with a bunch of European pilgrims wiping out the indigenous population and claiming the land. I agree, and I especially feel sympathy with her statement that she is "thankful for every other day of my life." But I'm not totally going to give up on Thanksgiving. I think it should be redefined. We could use this day to go out and help fix the things we have destroyed, to show that we are truly thankful for them. Help out at a reservation. Clean up a natural resource. Something. But I suppose it'd be hard to give up that day of the year we get to endorse gluttony and watch a bunch of men throw a ball back and forth and run into each other. Oh wait-we already do that every other day of the year? Well then, what's the problem?

[Disclaimer: I like food and I don't think gluttony is by itself a bad thing. However, our culture does not have a healthy attitude about food whatsoever. Consider McDonalds, compared with evergrowing anorexia stats. Message? I have given up being surprised that society lacks a happy medium. Ai me.]

My curry was good, by the way. I have lots left over. Oh yes, and I have a proposition to make to my friends across the country: If you gift me with your presence this holiday season, I will delightfully return the favor by offering you free room and in town transportation. No other gift exchanges are necessary. Happy after dinner nap, everyone.