Thursday, February 26, 2004

you piss me off, bush, and there's no two ways about it

here's some stupid stuff you said.

"The union of a man and woman is the most enduring human institution, honoring -- honored and encouraged in all cultures and by every religious faith. Ages of experience have taught humanity that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society."

Okay, I'll cut right to the chase, because all y'all know how I feel about same-sex marriage. I can argue til I'm blue in the face about the rights of people to...have the same rights as other people, but many have done it far more eloquent than I. What I'd like to rant about is how offended I am by this "time honored man-woman" bullshit rhetoric.

Marriage's "ages of experience" is a long history of patriarchal man-woman relationships. Women were property, and marriage was a business contract. This commitment of men and women to "love and serve each other" gave men the right to beat, rape, behead, and otherwise abuse their wives, and it gave women the right to...make (male) babies. In some countries and some religious faiths, it was perfectly alright to have many many many wives, just as it was alright to condemn women who tried the same sort of sexual freedom as whores. You may think that things have changed, that marriage has become a truly loving and endearing commitment of one person to another. Men will do chores now, and women work. You know why this happened? Because people fought to change it..somewhere back in the turn of the century, women began to get a glimpse into the true oppression that is gender roles and double standards. They fought against it. It happened in the 60s, too, believe it or not, after things regressed back to medieval standards (in the name of the American Dream). Marriage is not the same as it was "ages" ago, and we have feminism to thank for it. So when I hear talk of "sanctity" and "time-honored" I feel sick. I don't intend to get married until I can get married in a society that doesn't define marriage for me. I don't want to get married because I don't want to face the assumption that I will have kids, or leave work to take care of them, or take my husband's name and do his dishes. I want to marry because I love someone.

Isn't that why anyone wants to get married?

Fuck you, Bush. You're afraid. You're afraid of what will happen to your cookie cutter shiny happy marriage if gays and lesbians are allowed full legal access to marriage in this country. You're afraid to be emasculated, to have to define your own actions instead of having gender roles define them for you. You're afraid to think for yourself. Who will do the laundry if two men get married? Does that mean you might have to do the laundry someday (after we kick you out of the white house and you're dirt poor with no Hispanic maid to do it for you)? Does it make you feel like less of a man to see two women together, who have no interest in your, your penis, or your daddy's money? You're afraid, plain and simple. You know what? I don't have to say "fuck you" because you'll do it to yourself. Give me back my damn country, asshole.