Tuesday, April 20, 2004

you've got questions? i've got answers

For Sheena:

1. What is your favorite beer? and why?
Berghoff Dark, because not only is it awesome, I have great memories attached to drinking Berghoff. Most of them are also related to Paisan's and Brass Bash.

2. What is it you love about the trombone?
A timely question, since I spent Saturday loving the trombone (minds out of the gutters, chaps!). There's lots of reasons, but above all I love that it is such a flexible sonic instrument-listening to that all trombone jazz ensemble brough the point home. It's the only instrument you can put in an ensemble with its ilk and have it sound as varied and textured as a diverse group. Lots of other instruments sound good in choirs, but not as orchestral.

3. What is the most important thing to you, what would you miss the most if it/them went away?
Trite, but true: Laughter. and I would miss laughter.

For Megan:

What's your favorite fish to eat out of a trombone?

Where do you want to be in 10 years?
Lorn aged 32...I can't even think about that right now. I'm freaked out enough by Bethany's last question.
But, to be fair: I want to be successful, in the sense that I have found a calling and enjoy what I'm doing (money is not a factor in my success, although money is nice), or at least am working my way to whatever my goal is. Be it an orchestra or chamber job, or perhaps something feminist-related, I just want to know that I am content with what I do.

If you could be any kind of chocolate, what would you be?

For Davis:

If you had a million dollars how would you spend it?
I would buy lots and lots of books and cds, and donate to all the organizations that keep asking me too except I can't afford it (NARAL, HRC, Buzzflash, the Buddhist monks, etc). Also, travel.

What is your favourite movie?
The Red Violin.

If you could have dinner with any famous person, alive or dead, who would you choose?
Katherine Hepburn. or Ani Difranco. Or Sergei Prokofiev. I can never choose.

For Ms Lauren:

1. Why?
existentialist answer: because we are all just a big booger in the nose of God.
normal, sad answer: Likely because I'm bored, or lonely, or both.

2. Most frustrating thing your mother ever said to you.
"You have to read both The Rules and Dr Laura's 10 Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives before you can start dating."
Ugh, back then it was annoying because it was motherly advice, now it's frustrating and infuriating because...well, you know why. *Shudder* I feel slimy just linking to that woman...

3. How about squash?
Squash is cool. I like cooking with Italian squash (the green kind) because it adds a nice flavor to stir fry.

For Bethany:

What's your favorite bar in Madison and why?
Hawk's. That place just feels so chill and friendly (that might be because every time I've gone there it's been chill, and I've been with friends), and I love the brick walls and warm tones. Even when busy, it's easy to feel at home. Also, great curly fries.
Paul's Club a close second.

What's the thing you hate most that some people do?
When someone passes him or herself as stupid or uninterested as an excuse to not learn or understand something new. People who are always whining about math get to me sometimes, because, I have to struggle with math too, but I kind of like it for that reason. Playing dumb is not cute, sexy, cool, or a way to get into my pants.

What are your main 3 goals in life from now until the end of the summer?
B-dogg, you have no idea how much it freaks me out that I can't answer this question. And it's only the summer! Not even, before I die, or before I'm 30 or something...
well, 1. Have some money in the bank
2. Turn 23 successfully, and have a good time whilst doing so.
3. Know where I'm going to be in August and start moving there.

For Jerry:

1) What did I eat yesterday?
I don't know. I know on Sunday you had a burrito from Q-doba, and I was jealous.

2) Why, in your Ani post, did you not discuss the utter brilliance that is Outta You, Onto Me (track 2) and Going Down (track 9) of Dilate? Undisputably the two best tracks on that album.
I don't know. They are good tracks, but the ones I quoted were most relevant for my mood. Truly, all the tracks are relevant to the mood in question, but that's a lot of tracks. Also, if you are so upset, write your own letter to Ani. Also also, I think Done Wrong is the best song on the album.

3) Where is the O.Z. and why did Jay-Z use to move snowflakes there? What does it mean?!
I have no idea what you're talking about. Ask better questions.

For Hans (keepin it real):

What's your favorite flavor?
Clam Chowder.

Which is your favorite finger?
Left pinky.

If you had to get rid of an animal species, which would it be?
Honestly? Homo sapiens.

Good questions, guys! Thanks for playing, see you next time on Make Lorn Think Hard and Long About the Meaning of Life.