Thursday, May 20, 2004

the fda is doing some fucked up shit these days

The US government said it would ban homosexuals from making anonymous donations to sperm banks, in the name of preventing transmittable disease.

Obviously, there is a need to be concerned about the spread of HIV, but, as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force points out, "The FDA guidelines are unscientific. There is a 72 hour test which would provide information as to whether a person was HIV positive..."

72 hours, and that's it. Instead of turning away viable, healthy donors, the FDA could be actually performing tests that do not discrimate against one segment of the population.

It seems to me the government is afraid of that dreaded "gay gene" that would unleash the horrors of homosexuality upon unsuspecting Americans. Mercy me, wouldn't that just rain on the right-wing parade.

Latent in this action is the hypocrisy of saying one is concerned with the spread of a deadly STI but at the same time spreading misinformation about condoms and denying proper sexual education about transmission and prevention.

Then again, I'm long past the point where I'm surprised at anything the Bush administration and cronies do that is hypocritical or just outright stupid. Tonight would be a good night to start reciting that mantra...