Tuesday, May 11, 2004

joining the new wave of...something or other

Having heard some good things about Mozilla's Firefox browser, I decided to give it a try (why not, eh? it's free to download, my internet connection is ridiculously fast, and i'm always looking for new ways to stick it to the corporate man).

It's pretty dang sweet.

So far, my favorite feature is that you can open new windows in tabs that appear at the top of the window, thus axing the need for lots of browser windows clogging up your navigation bar thingy (whatever you call the dohicky at the bottom of your screen). They also have nifty themes, so currently my buttons are purple. heee!! So far most sites look great, no problems with colors or line-up or anything.

Been thinking idly about building my own computer when I get to Dallas, and attempting to free myself from most Microsoft products. I'm not entirely sure what that will entail, but I've got time to do research anyhow. Included in my research will be web design and more complicated blogging tools that will get me set up in a comfy space of my own.

Off topic but exciting, one of the schools Chris told me to take without second thoughts contacted me for teaching and marching band tech positions (Plano). I so rock.

I am both honored and bashful that the folks at Feministing have linked me, considering I infrequently do political/feministic posts these days.

It makes me happy that I have a picture of blue Tara on my sidebar. Here's what HH the DL (that sounds like a hip-hop name, word) has to say about Tara:
There is a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the goddess Tara. Following her cultivation of bodhicitta, the bodhisattva's motivation, she looked on those striving toward full awakening and she felt that there were two few people who attained Buddhahood as women. So she vowed, "I have developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all of my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then I, too, will be a woman."