Monday, December 29, 2003


I am continuously baffled by my father's inability to do anything work or cleaning related by himself. It seems that if there are dishes to be done, carpets to be vacuumed, or gardens to be dug up, they require assistance. Sometimes it's "Let's help Mom out and..." or "we should do the dishes before Mom gets home," which infuriates my feminist edge to no end (because it's assumed that cleaning is her job, that these are the things she cares about only otherwise we'd have a dirty floor and nasty toilets). I guess it's just that watching ten hours of TV a day really takes it out of you, that latest rerun of Matlock sure was a shocker, golly, I hope I can lift this dirty pot over here to the sink without...oh shit. Lorn! Come give me a hand with this!

I've thought fleetingly that he's just reaching out to spend time with me. But more and more I see that he's just a big lazy ass, and becoming a househusband would be beneath him and the compensation/benefits success that he was. And I suppose it was ridiculous of me to assume that he wanted something else to do.

Today he came home complaining about the rough day he had at the golf course. Working. Dealing with people. And having to do it again tomorrow.

Let's just stop there and think about that for a second. Working two days in a row? Two? In a row? Why, that could take years off his life! Endanger his capacity for creativity and free thought! He said he'd have to find another job if he had more days like today.

Good luck buddy. We're in the same damn boat. We've both got college degrees and good heads on our shoulders, and right now, we're just wage slaves. If I can't find a fucking job doing something I've been trained to do, and do well, then will you do any better? You've considered working an office job, but I guarantee you'll be working every day. Dealing with people. Inside, as opposed to outside, putting around in a golf cart.

The problem here is he's left the work-a-day world and has become accustomed to the sedentary life. I'm experiencing it too- even though I was bored and frustrated sitting at home everyday, Penney's made me want it back bad. I want more for my father. I sincerely hope he's not going to spend the next twenty plus years of his life sitting on his ass watching Murder, She Wrote and bugging me about things I'm perfectly capable of taking care of on my own. The problem is I can't communicate this to him. Communication is not a thing we do, it's not washing dishes. I can't even look sidewise and I get bitched at. Make a joke or have an opinion. It's ri-goddamn-diculous.

When did it get this bad? Is this why my mom works full-time? Is there hope for the H family?