Thursday, April 22, 2004

a few things to read today

In the "blind outrage" category, there's a bill going through the Michigan houses that will allow Michigan doctors refuse to treat gays if they so choose. The bill is being pushed by the Michigan Catholic Conference. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone thinks that there are people in the world who don't deserve proper and safe medical care, then they shouldn't become a doctor in the first place. Also, great Christian principles, guys. Way to represent compassion and servitude as a cornerstone of your religion. We must know a different Jesus, because that doesn't sound like the guy I know at all. From Republic of T.

Update: Another way to interpret the bill is here, seeing it as allowing health care professionals to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control, EC, provide abortions, etc. Ah. So it's one of those kinds of things. One more thing to speak out against this weekend. (new link from Echidne of the Snakes)

In the "wow, that's scary and fascinating at the same time" category: The real reasons Columbine happened five years ago. The media was quick to peg this as a school shooting brought on by violent music, inconsiderate bullies, and blind teenage rage. Psychiatrists have been studying the two killers in the years since and have come to a much different conclusion. Read it. Sadly, this won't likely make it into mainstream news; it's too useful as evidence against people who seek to blame popular music and violence in movies as the driving force behind every criminal act. Via swirlspice.

In the "ooh, I'm excited, stoked, psyched, antsy, and all worked up" category: Look at all the fun stuff I get to do this weekend! I need to get a camera, and I'm thinking of getting one with black and white film along with a color one, to take some artistic, nostalgic shots. The color one, for when I meet Ani and squeal like a little boy. I'll also have to stop myself from buying every cool T-shirt I see.

In the "heehehee, that's priceless" category: Supermodel Personals. "Marblehead- Do you know the correct pronunciation of Commes des Garcons? WASP overachiever, blueblood scion of a successful horse breeding family seeks lazy, fat, alcoholic to hog the remote-control, and have sex in the coatroom at fancy parties. APRIL FOOLS! I'd never go out with a fat dude- though I'd consider lazy if you're hot." Via Green Fairy.