Wednesday, May 17, 2006

two friends, a dog, and the champagne of beers

[three angry posts out of the way- here's your sadness for today]

Maybe it's time for me to be the one to do the leaving again. Perptuate the cycle. Learn what it means to be free, love it, hate it, and then find something cool again.

It's just that I can't stand seeing friends go, even when I understand completely why they have to. It makes me think too hard, it makes me question, it makes me wander around in a funk for days on end and no joy in the usual things.

I will miss Tim and Allison, even if I've been frustrated with them this year, even if I've been farther away and less accessible. I will miss the bitching, the beer runs, the Greek Restaurant, having a place to crash after teaching, the silliness, the political rants, the first two real friends I had in Dallas.

We became friends at a time when I was lost, confused, angry, depressed, and terribly, terribly lonely. It couldn't have been better timing. Sanctuary, at last, for the weary traveler. Things got much, much better from there and I'll never forget why.

So I moved to Denton, and hangouts weren't as frequent, but I did my best and I fought hard to keep in touch. There are some gifts you can't let go.

Hey guys- thanks. I'll see you soon.