Wednesday, January 21, 2004

curiosity caused the cat to waste some more time

although it was quite informative. If you're looking for an easy answer regarding the next presidential election/democratic nomination, take this quiz courtesy of Echidne of the Snakes.

My results:
Kuchinich 100%
Sharpton 90%
Kerry 89%
Clark 84%
Dean 82%
Edwards 79%
Lieberman 77%
and last and certainly least,
Bush 8%

First off let me admit to a certain ignorance regarding finances/economic issues- I can't say that fixing our budget matters to me as much as fixing social issues. So it may be that there is a wider gap amongst these candidates when you actually answer the economic questions instead of going "huh?" and putting down no opinion.

So, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about this whole "understanding where everyone stands on the issues" dealie. Armed with my new socio-political awareness, I'm prepared to take on women's issues head on! But when I think about having to slog through all this campaign jargon and make an educated choice...ugh, I just get tired. In other words, I feel that I should make a better effort to know what's going on politically in order to best make a decision regarding the issues that are important to me, but I still hate hate *hate* (HATE) politics. Grr. I'd rather rally. Or do some grrl power stuff. Sadly I'm torn between going all out and burning my bra, and making informed, educated, and well-researched actions based on politcal consciousness.

It's really tearing me apart here. *sob* Excuse me, I need some time alone...

As Lorn walks away, she puts her arm around Kuchinich's shoulder and says:
"So, Dennis old boy, this political quiz thingie I found on the internet told me I should like you. Being as I don't feel like doing the research myself, why don't you just go ahead and tell me what I want to hear..."

They walk off into the sunset, talking animatedly. Sweet violins sing and fade in time with the darkening screen. Roll credits.