Wednesday, January 14, 2004

happiness is...

It is the middle of my week with Jerry, and I will be sad for it to end! But I feel that in recent weeks I have managed to put things in perspective (finally) and can deal. Plus, only a month and I'll be in Madison again. So yippee.

Went to see Chris Houlding's recital tonight. Chris teaches at the Royal Northern College in Manchester, England, and he is a fantastic trombonist. His performance was truly virtuosic, and I look forward to playing for him tomorrow night and getting a feel for his teaching style. Sean has encouraged me to talk to him about study at the RNCM, so I plan on discussing that with Chris as well. Plus, Manchester! What I want to do is pull a Griffin and just get offered grad school to me on a silver platter. What's that you say? I'm not Griffin? Ah well, a girl can dream, can't she?

Tomorrow for some sun and swimming as well. I am feeling fat and sassy lately, and have need to get some exercise.

One last thing- my comments have disappeared. Boo. This is because BlogSpeak has apparently lost its domain or server or some such. Grr.