Friday, January 30, 2004

i have a question

and if you know the answer please enlighten me.

Where are we getting all this money?

Lately I can't even complain about Bush and this administration; it just wears me out. So all I have to say to this is:
ARRRRRGH *tearing hair*

The part that bothers me is not so much the money (although all I ever hear from Bush is spend this, spend that when I can't imagine he's ever had to worry about money) but how little sense all this war stuff makes to me. So, there's no WMD in Iraq, and still they make a big deal about it. I thought all this talk about the war on terror was supposed to make the world safer. *snort* So why do we keep spending so much on military weapons and defense systems? Shouldn't we also be setting an example?

Or wait, is that too idealistic of me? Am I just a silly hippy? Silly hippy, peace is for rich people.